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Education / Awareness

As part of the actions of public awareness and dissemination of results information panels, technical and informative publications will be developed. Awareness campaigns and technical seminars will be carried out.

Publications and informative material developed during the project will be available to all users in digital format.


This action game shows how the American mink is able to displace the European mink and show other causes of the downturn of the specie.

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cartel ruta vida vison

From December 3rd to December 8th of 2014, SENDAVIVA has organized THE MINK WEEK with these two activities:

-‘Mink’s Life’: A simulation game where people went passing by different situations or threats present in diary life of European mink like small tests.

-Parents and children activity: ‘The explorer’s corner’. To know the main threats that cause the disappearances of the European mink and other animal species.


Este juego de acción muestra cómo el visón americano es capaz de desplazar al visón europeo y otras causas de la recesión de la especie.

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Teacher's dossier European mink

Design of a small dossier for teachers to do educational activities or talks. Autumn, 2017.

  • Time of activity: 2 hours (more or less)
  • Objectives: 
    • Get to know the European mink problematic
    • Consider the consequences of the loss of this specie (biological diversity)
    • To inform about how can we help (What can I do?)
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This game is aimed at raise awareness about the life and the threats of the European mink.


SENDAVIVA, socio beneficiario de LIFE LUTREOLA SPAIN, organizó los viernes, sábados y domingos de agosto de 2014 la semana de la Fauna Ibérica Amenzada.

Se celebraron pruebas, juegos y gymkhanas en su Aula de la Naturaleza.


Los objetivos de estas actividades fueron:

  • Aprender sobre la diversidad de especies de la Península Ibérica
  • Reconocer las 5 especies seleccionadas y sus características
  • Conocer el estado de conservación, hábitat, y amenazas de las especies Ibéricas


Activity Notebook

How many do you know about the mink? Do you want to become an expert?

We have designed this activity notebook to give it in the schools where we give talks about this specie.

You can download it in Spanish or euskera and do the activities at home too!


Puedes descargarte este poster del proyecto con una bonita imagen del visón europeo del fotógrafo Alejandro Llop.

Está disponible en castellano y en euskera.

Portada triptico-002.jpg

The brochures on European mink help you to know better this specie and our proyect in only one view.

You can download it in Spanish and euskera.


El Departamento de Educación de SENDAVIVA ha realizado esta actividad cuyos objetivos principales son el conocer las principales amenazas que afectan a la desaparición de las especies e implicar a los participantes como miembros activos para salvaguardar la riqueza animal del lugar donde viven.
