The European mink has disappeared from the nature in most of the European territories. Nowadays, only two small populations survive in Spain and Rumania-Ukraine (Danube Delta and Dniestre). Probably, there are some small fragmented groups in Russia and France. Anyway, the observed trend is negative and it is necessary the implementation of more effective conservation measures. Otherwise, it is likely that the species faces extinction in a short time.
European mink can be considered as the most endangered mammal in Europe. European society and Institutions have the responsibility of its conservation. In this sense, the project proposed here fits the aim of the EU Biodiversity Strategy.
This project was proposed to improve the situation of the European mink in Spain where remain one of its last wild and viable population. This situation could be maintained by improving the effectiveness of eradication techniques of American mink, which represents the greatest threat to the European species and other species of fauna in Europe.