You can already check the second edition of the European Mink Newsletter: "European mink newsletter 2018: Conservation activities in Europe to save the most endangered European carnivore".
This newsletter summarizes the conservation activities that have been carried out in different countries (Estonia, Germany, France, Romania, the Netherlands and Spain) during the year 2018, since the first steps to join the mink populations from Eastern and Western Europe; until the first reintroductions of European mink from Europe in Spain. The main purpose of this newsletter is to reach a wide audience (from government decisions makers to the general public) to raise awareness and support to the conservation of Europe's most endangered carnivore.
The development of this newsletter was made possible thanks to the efforts of many associations of the defense of the vision of Europe: LIFE LUTREOLA SPAIN, the Spanish Ministry of the Ecological Transition, the association EuroNerz e.V., the French National Agency of Wildlife (ONCFS), the French Conservation Plan for European mink, Zoodysée, the French mink breeding center, the Calviac Zoological Reserve, the NGO for the protection of birds (LPO), LIFE mink Europe, the European Endangered Species Program (EEP), the Foundation for the Investigation of Ethology and Biodiversity (FIEB), the Tallinn Zoo and more. We thank them all for sharing their knowledge and experiences and also we thank Lutreola Foundation for writing this document!
You can check the document down below (available only in English).