Since the beginning of the project, the exchange of information and experiences have been promoted with other LIFE projects, different public bodies, experts and interested in the conservation of the European mink.
Thanks to this network we have participated in meetings, seminars and congresses in which we have been able to exchange experiences and present the results of the project in Europe and North America.
The team of technicians of LIFE LUTREOLA SPAIN participates in working groups and advises on the control of American mink, the breeding in captivity and the reintroduction of the European mink.
An important part of this network extends to other life projects such as LIFE TERRITORIO VISON, LIFE INVASEP, LIFE DESMANIA, LIFE INFONATUR, LIFE IREKIBAI, LIFE EAZA, LIFE POTAMO FAUNA and LIFE MIERA.
In our links of interest you have more information about the projects and entities with which we participate.