On September 2018, two specimens of the European vision that has been rised in captivity were released on the Najerilla river (La Rioja): Lenito and Laminero; thanks to one of the actions of LIFE LUTREOLA SPAIN project to strengthen the population of this specie in Spain.
Three months later and after his adaptation period in the river Najerilla, Lenito is captured, veterinary cheked and released again on December 5, 2018. His survival and good health represent good news: consider a success in the reintroduction plan of this specimen and good expectations for future actions.
You can watch the video of Lenito's release thanks to Jaime Bravo.
You can also check the previous news about Lenito in our news section:
Lenito y Laminero, dos machos de visón europeo, se preparan en Sendaviva para su suelta en libertad
Lenito y Laminero, dos nuevos visones en el Najerilla. Rioja2
Liberados dos machos en Cenicero, La Rioja, para conservar al visón europeo. Informativos TeleRioja