Run over causes every year the death of thousands of animals of a significant number of species like the European mink.
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This document, describes the techniques used, the work plan and the subsequent evaluation of the American mink control work carried out in LIFE LUTREOLA SPAIN.

The objective of this action is the construction of pre-release enclosure in centers of fauna or collaborators of the Program of Conservation ex Situ of the European Mink, also it will fit two pre-existing enclosures in the Wetlands of Salburua located in the LIC ES2110014.

Eight informative panels of LIFE LUTREOLA SPAIN have been made about the European mink and its state of conservation, we also explain what we are doing in LIFE LUTREOLA SPAIN, the importance of the Natura 2000 network and LIFE projects.

In autumn 2014 three different methods (river trapping, mink raft trapping and phototrapping) were compared for the detection and capture of European mink and American mink. The trial was conducted in eight pre-selected rivers in 2012, 4 with presence of European mink and 4 of American mink.